Every year, my mom wants me to throw together something in Photoshop that we can print as a 4x6 picture and stick in with her Christmas cards. This is our card addition this year:

Then I figured - ok, it took me a long time to decide on those elements and paper combo, I'm going to stick with this theme. (I LOVE the Santa and friends elements from Tracey Monette / Clever Monkey Graphics, they totally crack me up. I used them in Christmas gifts last year, too.) I happened to have some other pictures from the same day that I LOVED and want to jazz up for Facebook (because just posting a picture when I have so much fun digi stuff on my computer? How silly!)

*sigh* My boyfriend is SO CUTE.
Wait, where was I?
This one I made at a 5x7 dimension so I could print it out as such and throw it on a 8.5x11 paper scrapbooking page later. :)
So then I thought: self? I love these photos. And I'm quite fond of this element / paper combo. Let's go with this. I need a new Facebook banner anyway. So then I made this:

And THEN. Well my laptop needed a new desktop wallpaper, as the current one had a summer theme. A SUMMER theme? Just weeks before Christmas? I don't think so.

This one was more complicated, because I had a hard time finding the pixel dimensions of my laptop screen. (Hint: look in the control panel next time, Jen.)
Oh, and one last thing. My iPhone needed a new lock screen. Here's the image I made (this took a LOT of trial and error), and how it looks on the phone:

Doing all this with one set of images / elements is only hard the first time, as you're trying to figure out which dimensions a particular image requires. After that, it's just a matter of rearranging the stuff you've already picked out. TIPS: (1) save your original layered file and then each time you start a project with a different goal, open it and "save as" a new file so you don't lose your original work! and (2) save your results in one place to use as templates for next time you want to create for a particular reason.