Rachel, our OT, gave me the address of probably the best web resource yet about SPD. It's www.sensory-processing-disorder.com (and I'm going to keep the piece of paper she wrote it on, in crayon, because it was just a funny moment.) It has a TON of very clear, easy to understand information, and lot of links. And a newsletter! Sign up for it if you have a kid with SPD!
A great book to read: "Ten things every child with Autism wishes you knew." It was simply amazing. Rachel saw me reading it and asked to borrow it because she's been given so many SPD kids lately and had heard it was a good read. The book was recommended to me by a mom at "food school" -- her son, Nathan, was a preemie and now has SPD issues (he is SUCH a cutie.) She said she cried the whole time while reading it, and that doesn't surprise me at all. (Umm, I did, too.) This is by far the most accessible book I've found about SPD/Autism issues -- especially for those who don't like to read much. There is very little medical terminology, it's very conversational, and it's pretty short. If you have someone with Autism or SPD in your life, PLEASE read this book!
And then for Jake's major quirks these days (from an e-mail to Jake's OT):
-- He's hiding under chairs and tables a LOT to avoid social interaction or to have some self-imposed quiet time. He even did it at church when he didn't want to talk to his best friend's mom -- who watches him for an hour every Monday!
-- he's been walking/spinning in a circle a LOT. Never really a reason that I can see -- he just feels like doing it.
-- has been EXTREMELY independant lately -- which you think would be a good thing, and is mostly is, but he's really stubborn about it
-- lots of babbling, making up words, singing nonsense songs, or singing songs he knows
-- he's getting better about holding a pencil -- sometimes will do it without the special grips -- but when he tries to write his name, he has no concept of space and order. (Which I guess is semi-normal for 4.) It's not linear at all when he writes letters. He makes the A about 4 times as wide as it should be, sometimes makes the J's sideways. I did have him write his name on the backs of Christmas thank-you cards -- over the course of 3 days he wrote 10!
-- Whenever we sit down on the couch to write letters or do a workbook (with a lapdesk on his lap), he can't keep his legs still. He does a weird shaking his legs/bopping up and down thing when he gets self-conscious when he's standing up, too -- like when we're posing for pictures. I don't know how to make him just hold still the few times a day I really need him to!
-- there's a song on my Grey's Anatomy CD -- #9, How We Operate, Gomez -- that Jake is obsessed with. He asks me to play it whenever we're in the car, and he sings it non-stop (which is actually really cute. he's gonna be a rock star, I think.) Mom and I think he likes it so much because of the minor key and the thumping rhythm at the beginning.