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November 23, 2004


Sandi P.

I'm with you Jen on looking forward to this much memorable holiday for my family. This is the one holiday that my side of the family try to get together at the same place.

I'm off to Missouri tomorrow at 3:00 p.m for 3 days -- extended family, here I come!


Happy Thanksgiving and Thanks for sharing the poem. We get too caught up to remember to be truly thankful for what we have!


You have a great holiday too!

Jen A

Have a safe and happy holiday. DH is taking a 4-day weekend, and I'm so excited. See you next week!


Happy Thanksgiving and ENJOY your 6 day break (I know you will). I will be lonely here in blogland without you girls, not having Thanksgiving and all that, but I hope you have a wonderful time.


Awww, what a nice poem. Hope you're having fun with your family!


Hope you had a nice time hon! Miss you. Love ya!


How ya doing girl? Hope your holiday was a good one!

Love, Cara

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  • May 4th, 2002 Our wedding September 14th, 2002. Going home from the hospital with 2 day old baby Jake! 10 days old and we're ALL worn out! 1st Halloween (6 weeks) 1st Christmas (3.5 months) January 2003 ~ 4 months old July 2003 ~ 10 months old December 2003 ~ 15 months old

    Easter 2004 ~ 18 months
    June 2004 ~ 21 months old Lou's 28th birthday. 10-23-2004. Easter 2005 ~ 30 months old

    Roger and Bonnie's wedding, Sept. 10th, 2005 ~ 2 days away from being THREE years old!!!