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Thanks for more great info! I'm such a novice, that I hardly have a right to post additional info, but my pro dh has taught me a couple of tips I wanted to share.

1) On the Tool Options Bar at the top of the screen when you are in the Marquee Tool, he suggests setting Feather to 1 px (rather than default 0). This gives just a hint of softness to your selection so it doesn't look so "cut out". This is mostly useful for using the Lasso tools, when you might be cutting out a portion of a pic or something.

2) Above you had stated, "and you aren't able to reposition a selection once you make it", but actually you can! While you're drawing your selection, if you hold down the space bar while dragging your mouse around, you can reposition your selection. You can do this as many times as you want while you're still in the process of drawing/sizing your selection. I use it all the time!!

Thanks again for your great site. I hope these are useful tips! :-)

thanks so much. this was most helpful.

What a fantastic tutor you are!!! I'm paying for classes at the moment and they're no where near as good as your explanations. Why not offer your services - for a fee of course - I'm sure scrapbook sites would snatch your arm off! Or better still PLEASE WRITE A BOOK!!! Thank you for all your advice. Hugs. :) Mo

excuse me when i use the marquee selection tool, and i press delete, or i use the command cut, the whole layer deletes. what i am doing bad?

well, you have to make sure you close the selected area.  Then Id say you need to make sure . . . how do I explain this . . . that your work area is the thing thats active, rather than the layers bar.  Maybe click on the top of the file youre working on to make sure THAT is selected, rather than the layer as it shows up in the layers palette?  This is the kind of thing thats so much easier to show than tell LOL

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